It’s not surprising to me that this many people, young or old have smartphones. If anything, these numbers are probably low, and more people have them then don’t. It’s become almost impossible these days to buy a “dumb” phone. I guess there has to exist a dumb phone (feature phone) if there is such thing as a smart phone. On ATT an iPhone 3GS 8GB is only 99 cents:
It is virtually impossible not to end up with a smart phone somehow. This is the way that technology advances, almost as if it forces itself upon you, which in reality it does. Technology has it’s own desires as posited by Kevin Kelly his book, What Technology Wants. Phone want to get smarter, they want to consume more data and information, in just the same ways they want longer battery life and better screens. Technology cannot be suppressed, it will eventually always break through if it is it’s time. The time is now for smartphones and I’m not even sure there is anything holding it back. An iPhone is easier to use than many feature phones, and with the amount of utility provided by one, it is hard to see how they won’t completely conquer the country within the next year or two.
Smartphone ownership in the United States is on the rise. But a survey by Nielsen suggest that it is happening among some age groups faster than others. Nielsen’s third-quarter survey of mobile phone users found that 43 percent of them have upgraded to a smartphone. For mobile users below the age of 44, the smartphone is speeding toward mass adoption. “This is a wake-up call for potential advertisers waiting for a tipping point for mobile media or for smartphones to reach the majority,” said Don Kellogg, director of telecom research and insights at Nielsen. “We’re already there with certain segments – 62 percent of those ages 25 to 34 already have smartphones. That’s critical mass.” After young adults, however, the segment with the fastest-growing smartphone adoption rate is older phone owners, between the ages of 55 and 64. Although the penetration among those users is only 30 percent, that figure jumped 5 percentage points this quarter.
Most Young Adults in U.S. Now Own Smartphones, Survey Says – NYTimes.com