App Texts is the quickest way to get an app onto a desktop web-visitor’s phone. The process of going from an App’s website to downloading an app is very convoluted and can involve 5-6 steps. With App Texts, all a user needs to do is enter their phone number on an App’s website and then click on the link they receive in a text message, and they are taken directly to the download page.
App Texts does more than just send a link to the phone. Our customers (App owners) create an account with us and then enter links to an individual app page or multiple app stores like iOS and Android. Regardless of how many App Stores the App is in, we send out only one link to the user and detect which device they are on to direct them to the correct app store. App Texts also tracks links and provides our customers with analytics. App Texts automatically generates the code that is embedded onto the App’s website that users enter their phone number into. Our service makes it simple for anyone to utilize this powerful technique to increase App Downloads.
Up until we created App Texts, this technology was only available to large brands like Square, Path, and Facebook:
App Texts is bringing this distribution method to every app. The service is currently available on an invite only basis. Visit AppTexts.net to request an invite.
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